Saturday, March 3, 2012

Faraday, Your New Guild Master!

Hi folks! Wightwolf made me your new Guild Master, so I thought I'd let everyone know what's happening with our guild.

Guild Background
The Deception guild was started on October 24, 2008 and I was invited to join by co-GM Priincessa in early 2011. In late 2011 and early 2012, a many long-time guild members (including the GM) started leaving the guild for a variety of reasons. During this time, the Guild Master position changed hands quite a few times.

(If you are looking here to find out where your old guild buddies have gone, some went to Horde Defenders and some went to Light of Dawn, so check in with both of those guilds if you'd like to try to re-connect.)

Eventually Smackable became GM and then tranferred the guild itself to the Moonrunner realm where a few guildies had other characters. The transferred guild is now called Demented Convictions and Smackable said anyone who wants to transfer to Moonrunner is welcome to join the transferred guild. 

Here is the Demented Convictions Armory page.

Our Current Guild on Velen
When a guild is transferred to another server, the original guild stays intact on the old realm but loses all its levels, perks, guild bank tabs, and gold. Sadly, we have to start over from scratch.

The good news is that members who stay keep their guild reputation and we get to keep the guild name, Deception. (I would be willing to pay to change the guild name, if folks would like the guild to be called something new.) We also have two bank slots currently and I will buy more if we fill up what we have.

The New Guild Ranking System

GM: Guild Master.

Officer: Folks who express interest in helping run the guild, plus GM alts.

Veteran: Active max-level characters, in good standing.

Member: Active characters under max-level, in good standing.

Recruit: New members. 

Vacation: Over one month of inactivity.

Probation: Troublemaker rank.

Plans for the Future
Since our guild is currently so small, I am turning it into a social and leveling guild, rather than the raiding guild we were previously. We can transform depending on what members end up wanting to do.

I will be creating a new Guild Finder ad, so if there is a certain type of person you would like to see in the guild, send me a note in-game.

And, that's it. Have fun everyone and remember that my giant Troll ears are available if you have questions!

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